Below you can see a slide show from a lazy wander across the Village greens in Summer 2004.
- Dam side looking towards river bridge
- Dam side looking towards river bridge
- High green towards stepping stones
- Stepping Stones
- Intrepid walkers
- Downstream of stepping stones
- River bridge
- Dam side looking back towards Riversway
- Looking back at stepping stones and A65
- Bank level view of river bridge
- Old ford below bridge
- Local mother out with youngsters
- Ford in perspective
- Used to be Pennine bus headquarters
- River towards River Place
- Local gull with summer plumage
- You can see the Church from all around
- River Place with Sharphaw behind
- Used to be a saw mill
- Goffa Mill
- River Place
- River Place
- River Place (how did she get there ?)
- River Place
- River bank going down stream
- Low Green Farm
- Stepping stones near River Place
- Low green regulars
- Bashful drake
- Low Green
- Church from Church Lane
- Oops there's another
- Oh no not another ...
- Church Lane from corner of Goffa Mill
- Looking back at Low green and Sharphaw
- Tired legs of the young
- The best door bell anywhere
- It really is great.
- Vicar's entrance to Church
- William Anderton
- Builder of this Church
- Five prominent graves
- Wider view
- The tower over rooftops
- Old grave stone
- Old grave stones and boundary wall
- Time lost in the shade
- It says Every hour shortens life
- Outbuilding
- The tower (very arty)
- Carved head
- Married people's exit to road
- Married people's exit from Church
- Another guardian
- Builder's mark (not a shot hole from the civil war)
- The clock.
- The aisle
- Driven by sunlight
- A nice place to be
- A story in pictures (best viewed live)
- Front gate
- The Mason's Arms
- Crown green bowling club
- Ladies starting an end
- The chaps are at it too
- Ladies decision time
- Across the fields towards the Pennine way.
- Ancient Ivy
- An interesting knot
- Cyclists going home
- Hannah's car (L plates now gone)
The route starts at the Riversway end of the Dam side on the High Green. It was a quiet and leisurely Saturday.